

Established and new energy companies are focused on ESG initiatives, including reducing the carbon footprint of their supply chain while capturing profits from state and federal carbon-reduction programs. The value from favorable regulatory incentives, such as Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) credits, renewable energy credits (RECs), and tax incentives can increase margins while also advancing the energy transition. These emerging markets provide financial incentives, but is your company prepared to capitalize on the opportunities and provide the transactional and risk management support needed to enable success?

How can Opportune Help?

  • Farm Waste
  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Bodiesel
  • Biomass
  • Geothermal
  • Hydropower
  • Hydrogen

Business Process & Technology

Opportune helps clients select and implement ETRM systems that track the capture, valuation, risk reporting, and settlement of physical and financial trades. We have led several cloud-first software selections specifically for the tracking of carbon credits.

Risk Management & Valuation

Valuation and market price risk determination are challenging in the emerging markets of carbon credits, yet the credits are the business valuation driver for many companies that are engaging in these activities. Opportune’s Hedge Advisory and Valuation services can be your trusted partner in navigating these new and often illiquid markets.

Reporting & Analytics

Our experts use analytics to provide valuable business insights and reports for regulatory compliance. Sound reporting processes and clean data produce accurate tax filings, ensuring a smooth transition to producing, marketing, and profiting off renewables.


Renewable incentives and tax legislation changes regularly and varies by jurisdiction. Opportune’s Tax Advisory practice is at the forefront of government incentive programs and can define tax strategies to maximize returns while maintaining compliance.